Canadian Literary Awards


Winners of Canadian literary awards for 1980.

indicates a review is available for that book

Books in Canada First Novel Award

Books in Canada First Novel Award
W.D. Valgardson – Gentle Sinners

Governor General's Literary Awards

George Bowering – Burning Water
Jeffrey Simpson – Discipline of Power: The Conservative Interlude and the Liberal Restoration
Stephen Scobie – McAlmon's Chinese Opera

Études et essais
Maurice Champagne-Gilbert – La famille et l'homme à délivrer du pouvoir
Michel Van Schendel – De l'oeil et de l'écoute
Romans et nouvelles
Pierre Turgeon – La première personne

Leacock Medal for Humour

Leacock Medal for Humour
Donald Jack – Me Bandy, You Cissie

Lorne Pierce Medal

Lorne Pierce Medal
Antonine Maillet

Writers Trust Awards

Vicky Metcalf Award for Children's Literature
John Craig


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Added 02 November 2008.
Updated 26 June 2010.