

Review Roundup #43

What They Wanted by Donna Morrissey
“...a gripping and at times wrenching novel.” Barbara Bruederlin, Bookworm Collective, 8 August 2009
ManBug by George K. Ilsley
“The author has created something truly special, a jewel amidst the dreary plains of Canadian literature...” Corey Redekop, Shelf Monkey, 15 August 2009
Seascape with Figures by Gilean Douglas
“...a pleasant enough book.” Richard, Book Addiction, 12 August 2009
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
“If you like Scooby-Doo, Miss Marple, The Number One Ladies' Detective Agency and quirky fiction, this is for you.” Monique, So Misguided, 15 August 2009
Drumheller Dinosaur Dance by Robert Heidbreder, illustrated by Bill Slavin and Esperanca Melo
“The only positive thing about Drumheller Dinosaur Dance is the fun and vibrant illustrations.” John Mutford, The Book Mine Set, 16 August 2009
Posted by Lynn on November 11, 2009 | Comment


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