BOOKS BY SHEREE FITCH ============================================== List provided by Canadian Books & Authors AE -> Arthur Ellis Award BS -> Blue Spruce Award HC -> Hackmatack Children's Choice Book Award RM -> Red Maple Award SB -> Silver Birch Award SL -> Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal for Humour Last updated 6 May 2011 ============================================== 1987 - Toes in My Nose and Other Poems (children) 1989 - Sleeping Dragons All Around (children) 1991 - Merry-Go-Day (children) 1992 - There Were Monkeys in My Kitchen! (children) 1993 - In this House Are Many Women (poetry) 1994 - I Am Small (children) 1995 - Mabel Murple (children) 1997 - If You Could Wear My Sneakers! (children, HC winner, SB winner) 1998 - There's a Mouse in My House (children, SB shortlist) 1998 - The Hullaballoo Bugaboo Day (children) 1999 - The Other Author, Arthur (children, HC shortlist) 1999 - If I Were The Moon (children) 2000 - Writing Maniac: How I grew up to be a writer (and you can, too!) (non-fiction) 2001 - No Two Snowflakes (children, BS shortlist) 2001 - EveryBody's Different on Everybody Street (non-fiction) 2002 - One More Step (young adult) 2003 - Persnickety Pete (The Cleanest Boy in the World) (children) 2004 - Pocket Rocks (children) 2005 - The Gravesavers (young adult, RM shortlist) 2005 - Peek-a-Little Boo (children) 2005 - If I Had a Million Onions (children, HC shortlist, SB shortlist) 2008 - Kisses Kisses, Baby-O (children) 2008 - The Poetry Experience (with Larry Swartz, non-fiction) 2008 - Kiss the Joy As It Flies (novel, SL shortlist) 2010 - Pluto's Ghost (young adult, AE shortlist)