- Wagamese, Richard
- Walker, David
- Walker, Joan
- Walters, Eric
- Watson, Cristy
- Wedderburn, Andrew
- Weedmark, David
- Weintraub, William
- Wharton, Thomas
- White, Howard
- Whittall, Zoe
- Wiebe, Rudy
- Wiersema, Robert J.
- Wigmore, Gillian
- Wilson, Eric
- Wilson, Ethel
- Windley, Carol
- Winter, Michael
- Wiseman, Adele
- With, Cathleen
- Woodrow, Marnie
- Wright, L.R.
- Wright, Richard B.
- Wright, Ronald
- Wynne-Jones, Tim
- Waiting for Columbus by Thomas Trofimuk
- Waiting for Sarah by Bruce McBay and James Heneghan
- Walk Through a Window, A by KC Dyer
- War of the Eagles by Eric Walters
- Warchild by Karin Lowachee
- Watch Me by Norah McClintock
- Watchdogs and Gadflies by Tim Falconer
- Way Lies North, The by Jean Rae Baxter
- Way Up, The by Scott Young
- Weight of Rocks, The by Paulette Dubé
- Whale Song by Cheryl Kaye Tardif
- What Z Sees by Karen Rivers
- What is America? by Ronald Wright
- What is Stephen Harper Reading? by Yann Martel
- When Elephants Fight by Eric Walters, Adrian Bradbury
- When Hell Freezes Over by Rick Blechta
- When She Was Bad by Patricia Pearson
- Whispers and Lies by Joy Fielding
- Who Do You Think You Are? by Alice Munro
- Why We Close Our Eyes When We Kiss by Marnie Woodrow
- Wicked Woods by Steve Vernon
- Wild Blue Yonder, The by Audrey Thomas
- Wild Man of the Woods by Joan Clark
- Wild Stone Heart by Sharon Butala
- Willows & Parker Series by Laurence Gough
- Winter Vault, The by Anne Michaels
- Winter of Peril by Jan Andrews
- With Axe and Flask by Dan Needles
- Woman Who Gave Birth to Rabbits, The by Emma Donoghue
- World More Full of Weeping, The by Robert J. Wiersema
- Writer and His Wife, The by Rabindranath Maharaj