Hackmatack Children's Choice Book Award

The Hackmatack Children's Choice Book Award for Non-fiction (French) is voted on by children in Atlantic Canada who are in grades four to six.
indicates a review is available for the English version of that book
- Yannick Bergeron – Au labo, les débrouillards
Also shortlisted:
- Alain Bergeron, Michel Quintin et Sampar – Les bousiers
- Emmanuelle Bergeron – Quatre filles de génie
- Catherine Côté – Les animaux marins
- Maxim Cyr et Karine Gottot – Les rouges de New Delhi
- Cécile Gagnon et Emmanuelle Bergeron – Michel Sarrazin
- François Gravel – Cocorico!
- François Gravel – Drôles d'écoles!
- Colette Laberge – Le monde animal en questions et réponses
- Sylvie Roberge et Michel Noël – Le livre du manuscrit à la librairie
« Previous year: 2014
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Added 07 October 2014.
Updated 07 June 2015.