- Lambert, Shaena
- Lang, Elizabeth
- Lapointe, Annette
- Laurence, Margaret
- Lautens, Gary
- Lawson, Mary
- Leaman, Celia A.
- Lee, Danielle Q.
- Lee, Sky
- Lemelin, Roger
- Lennox, Muriel
- Lent, John
- Leslie, Mark
- Lestewka, Patrick
- Levin, A.J.
- Little, Jean
- Longworth, Alan E.
- Lowachee, Karin
- Luke, Pearl
- Lynes, Jeanette
- Lyon, Annabel
- Lagahoo's Apprentice, The by Rabindranath Maharaj
- Laggan Lard Butts by Eric Walters
- Lark Ascending, The by Rick Blechta
- Last Chance by Norah McClintock
- Last Piece of Sky, The by Tim Wynne-Jones
- Last Stop Sunnyside by Pat Capponi
- Latitudes of Melt by Joan Clark
- Learning to be Captain by Scott Young
- Leftovers by Steve Vernon
- Leopard and the Lily, The by Joan Clark
- Liberation of Newfoundland, The by Marilyn Bowering
- Life of Pi by Yann Martel
- Lilac Moon by Sharon Butala
- Line Painter, The by Claire Cameron
- Liri Valley, The by Mark Zuehlke
- Little Flowers of Madame de Montespan, The by Jane Urquhart
- Lives We Lost, The by Megan Crewe
- Lives of Girls and Women by Alice Munro
- Logogryph, The by Thomas Wharton
- Lord of the Fries by Tim Wynne-Jones
- Lost Garden, The by Helen Humphreys
- Lost Treasure of Casa Loma, The by Eric Wilson
- Lost in the Barrens by Farley Mowat
- Love As It Is by Marilyn Bowering
- Love in the Temperate Zone by L.R. Wright
- Love of a Good Woman, The by Alice Munro
- Luck by Joan Barfoot