- Gabriele, Lisa
- Galchen, Rivka
- Gallant, Mavis
- Galloway, Steven
- Gasco, Elyse
- Gaston, Bill
- Gault, Connie
- Getty, Adam
- Giardini, Anne
- Gibb, Camilla
- Gibson, Graeme
- Gibson, William
- Gill, Charlotte
- Glover, Douglas
- Goldberg, Kim
- Goldfarb, Sheldon
- Goldstone, Gabriele
- Gotlieb, Sondra
- Gough, Laurence
- Gould, John
- Govier, Katherine
- Gowdy, Barbara
- Grandbois, Alain
- Grant, Vicki
- Greene, Paul
- Griggs, Terry
- Gruen, Sara
- Guest, Jacqueline
- Gulland, Sandra
- Gunn, Carla
- Gunn, Genni
- Gaits by Paulette Dubé
- Gallant Cause, The by Mark Zuehlke
- Galveston by Paul Quarrington
- Garden of Eden, The by Sharon Butala
- Gargoyles by Bill Gaston
- Garneau Block, The by Todd Babiak
- Ghost of Lunenburg Manor, The by Eric Wilson
- Girl of the Rockies by Joan Clark
- Giving Back Diamonds by Marilyn Bowering
- Glimpse by George Murray
- Golden Fleece by Robert J. Sawyer
- Good House, A by Bonnie Burnard
- Gordon Sinclair by Scott Young
- Gothic Line, The by Mark Zuehlke
- Grand Avenue by Joy Fielding
- Grandfather Was a Soldier by Marilyn Bowering
- Gravesavers, The by Sheree Fitch
- Great Bellybutton Cover-up, The by Susan Ross
- Green by Marilyn Bowering
- Green Gables Detectives, The by Eric Wilson
- Guilty Plea, The by Robert Rotenberg
- Gypsy Blood by Steve Vernon