Frank Parker Day


Frank Parker Day was born 9 May 1881 at Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia. He graduated from Mount Allison University in 1903 with a B.A. (Honours) in Philosophy and also attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, earning a degree in 1907 and an M.A. in 1909. Returning to Canada, Day took a position as an English professor at the University of New Brunswick. In 1912, he moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and became head of the English Department at the Carnegie Institute of Technology. He returned to Canada at the beginning of World War I and enlisted in the armed forces, eventually serving with the 185th Cape Breton Highlanders. After the war, Day returned to the Carnegie Institute of Technology and became Director of Academic Studies and Dean of Freshmen and later, an English professor at Swarthmore College. In January 1929, he was appointed President of Union College in Schenectady, New York, a position he held until illness forced him to resign in August 1933. Day spent the rest of his life at Lake Annis, Nova Scotia and died in 1950 at Yarmouth.

Books by Frank Parker Day

River of Strangers
Autobiography of a Fisherman
The Autobiography of a Fisherman
John Paul's Rock
A Good Citizen (part of the Josiah Wood Lectures)
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Added 07 February 2006.
Updated 07 January 2012.