Hackmatack Children's Choice Book Award
The Hackmatack Children's Choice Book Award for Fiction (French) is voted on by children in Atlantic Canada who are in grades four to six.
indicates a review is available for the English version of that book
- Richard Petit – La plus jolie histoire
Also shortlisted:
- René Cochaux – Aventures dans l'histoire
- Marie-Andrée Boucher – Les bonbons venus du ciel
- Jacques P. Ouellet – Le crâne mystérieux
- Edmond Landry – Gabrielle et son chien Jade
- François Levesque – Matshi l'esprit du lac
- Andrée Poulin – Où sont passés les zippopos
- Gaël Corboz – Prisonniers du sofa
- Céline Lavoie – Tony la Bottine
- Sylvie Desrosiers – La tombe du chaman
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Added 12 July 2013.
Updated 12 July 2013.